Getting the working capital your retail store needs from a traditional lender can be difficult. The process can take weeks or months, and many applications are denied because traditional lenders often consider retailers “high risk” due to factors like unpredictable consumer demand, sensitivity to economic conditions, and high competition from other retailers.
Biz Growers can get you approved for more retail store funding than traditional lenders, often in just one business day. We provide a number of different types of small business funding to help grow your retail business, with alternative retailer loans from as low as $2,000 up to $2,000,000. We fund all types of retail businesses, including salons and spas, florist, specialty stores, clothing stores, convenience stores, and more.
There are no restrictions on how you can use funding. Retailer funding is typically best used for supporting growth initiatives that will increase your retail store’s revenue, such as:
Alternative retailer funding can also help when you need a quick influx of working capital to meet the unique challenges of running a retail store, such as:
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